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Thursday, November 29, 2007

1.5 What Is a Layered Architecture?

What is a layered architecture, and what does layering mean? Application layering is the separation of architectural concerns whose boundaries are supported by interface contracts. Typically, these layers are stacked vertically so that each layer interacts only with the layer directly underneath it (Figure 1.2).
Figure 1.2. Layers.
Because an interface contract exists between each layer, changes can be affected on Layer 3 with minimal side effects on Layer 1. Moreover, Layer 3 can be totally replaced, as long as it meets Layer 2's contract, without affecting Layer 1. This property is known as strict layering.
As mentioned earlier, the principle of layering is core to J2EE and WebSphere. From the J2EE perspective, this concept has been the driving force behind much of the standards work that defines the platform. This can be seen in how presentation and data access are designed. The WebSphere Application Server fully leverages this architecture by allowing individual layers to be scaled and distributed independently.
Critics of strictly layered architectures argue that performance, and sometimes extensibility, are sacrificed since more activity is required to propagate down through the layers. Extensibility can suffer if contracts defined between the layers are not robust enough to handle future requirements. However, being able to strategically distribute the application layers, use the domain layer across multiple applications, and easily configure different data sources and user interfaces overcomes such criticism.
Nonstrict layering (Figure 1.3) allows higher layers to access any layer defined below it and answers the critics' arguments against performance and extendibility; however, it nullifies the benefits of strict layering.
Figure 1.3. Nonstrict layering.

1.5.1 Common layering schemes
Traditional two-tier client/server-based applications can be partitioned into two layers—presentation and data access. A two-tier Graphical User Interface (GUI) application would simply query a data source, compute, and display the information to the user. A consequence of this simple architecture is that knowledge about the business domain is both scattered throughout the user interface, and is forced into complex database schemas.
Object technology encourages not only the abstraction and reuse of presentation logic, but also business processes and data. Therefore, decoupling application logic from application presentation results in scalable three-tier distributed systems that allows objects defined to model business data and processes to be used across application boundaries. With the explosion of the Internet and related technologies, enterprise application requirements have made the existence of layered application architecture imperative.
The most common layers of an application can be partitioned into presentation, domain, and data source sections (Figure 1.4). The most important layer is the domain. This is where business process and state are captured. Presentation layer objects either consume or exercise domain objects. Data source objects defined in the data source layer access specific data sources on behalf of domain objects requesting or saving state.
Figure 1.4. Client/server layers.
It is not enough to merely stipulate the layers in a graphic and expect developers to properly partition application elements into a layered architecture. Developers must implement functionality within each layer in a consistent fashion. Moreover, message interaction between layers must be formalized.
Formalizing layer interaction should involve a decoupled design that includes appropriate indirection in support of layer substitution. Additionally, behaviors prescribed across all applications, namely exception handling, logging, start up, and shutdown operations, should be formalized and consistently applied.
1.5.2 Layered Architecture Definition
The primary motivation for layering is to create and preserve a reusable domain model that spans application boundaries. Other advantages to this architecture are that it helps organize the project and allows construction and validation of each layer to vary independently. Of course this can be accomplished with three layers; however, introducing two additional layers between presentation and data source layers further decouples the domain from application presentation and data source requirements (Figure 1.5). An example of layer substitution would be enabling the domain layer for pervasive devices or a voice response unit. In Figure 1.5, this would imply creating only the new presentation layer constructs and the necessary mediators to interact with the existing domain model.

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